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news 2022-04-18 11-52-56

Use SOCKS5-proxy on Android device

In Termux:
$ ssh -p1234 -L 1080: user@IP
#or# $ autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 3" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -L 1080:localhost:1235 user@IP -p1234
Keep work in background))

In FireFox(dev)
Type “about:config” in the address bar and search for the following parameters:
- network.proxy.socks. Enter IP-address of your socks5 proxy server (
- network.proxy.socks_port. Enter port of your socks5 proxy server (1080)
- network.proxy.socks_remote_dns set "true"
- network.proxy.type. Enter value “1” for this parameter.

==== Docker-for-server ===
docker import alp-sock5.tar.gz img-s5
docker run -d --restart=always --net host --name alp-s5 img-s5 /
docker exec -it alp-s5 /bin/bash ###### tuning /etc/sockd.conf {

# cat /etc/sockd.conf |grep -v ^#|grep -v ^$
internal: port = 1080
external: ens2 <<<<<<<<< change
socksmethod: none
user.privileged: root
user.unprivileged: nobody
logoutput: stderr
client pass { from: 0/0 to: 0/0 }
socks pass { from: 0/0 to: 0/0 }



2023-04-04_18-48-53 / 2024-10-23_07-19-44 UTC.